Just having a little reflecting time & thought i would update the blog.
We are feeling great that we have nearly got to 6 months.
I can honestly say that this is the best decision we made as a couple & i am glad that we came out to Australia.
Its hard to believe we arrived with no jobs & now between us have worked for 6 different places. I am extremley proud of Adam for being so sucessful getting a job in Tiling. He has worked hard from day one doing 50 hour weeks at times and working in the hot heat. It was funny that we both did cleaning, something i never thought we would do. But we really enjoyed it & has been good to say that we worked together. I am glad i stuck out the kebab job, although its not something i would ever want to do again. I really love working @ Kathmandu & Converse. I am Super happy here & feel like i could do this for longer. Adam is happy doing Tiling for Dean, he has the perfect combination he can do 3 days min & 5 max he just picks what he wants each week.
We have got so much to look forward to in the final months out here. The hard bit was finding jobs & we have done that. We have work now until the end of the year so there is no money worry.
I am also happy that we have both lived together for 6 months. We have got on so well & have been such a good team. It has been hard cooking dinner every night, making pack lunch. Washing, Ironing & cleaning the apartment but we have done it! I am glad that we have gained independance by moving away from home, it has shown us we can live on our own with no help from friends & Family. I wouldn't change anything, i love living with Adam & will be sad that we cannot get our own home for a few more years! I think we will both be making the most of the next 5 Months.
We are mega excited to say that we will be having our first Christmas together in Cairns :) 22 Scott Street will always be our first home & its cute that we get to have a Christmas here.
The main reason for blogging today is to share our excitment that Wayne & Gina are currently in Adelaide having the time of their lifes. Only 5 days away from seeing them!
I don't think you ever realise how much you are missing friends & family back home until you know you are about to see them.
We are both working the full week to make it go faster & save as much cash as pos. Then we can have 2 weeks off which will be a treat since we have worked out here from the first week.
Last night we were just saying we couldn't believe what an amazing place we picked to live. The shopping mall across the road has a cinema, supermarket, clothes shops, food court, dentist, doctors, chemist & Bank all in one building.
The harbour & lagoon is a 20 min walk from our house, the gym and my work is 15 min walk away, we are surrounded by resturaunts and things to do everyday.
When you look around you see that there are mountains all around the city & tropical plants. Only 10 mins bus ride out of the City and we are in the tropical Rainforest. There are somedays that we cannot believe we are living here.
Cairns is such a lovley place & i think that is why we have been happy to settle here for as long as we have. Its nice because you really feel like an Australian Resident- Well we are actually Austrlalian Residents now because after living in one place for 6months+ you are classed as a resident :)
We have had the chance to meet people and make friends & really get to see things you would miss if you were just passing through.
When planning moving on after Wayne and Gina have visited we decided that we were happy to stay in Cairns and do an bit of travelling on the way home, Mainly visiting New Zealand. At the end of the day we have had a break away from England and to be fair the cost of travelling around Australia is too expensive to not have a job. We have worked out though that we will be bringing more money home then what we came out with so thats a good acheivement :)
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