Got up earlier today, Adam's arm is getting better so he is looking forward to the gym maybe Monday if its healed.
I left him at the apartment to rest & biked to the gym - I did yogalaties, loved it and felt so relaxed after.
on the way back from the gym i stopped at Rusty's fruit and veg market. Got some healthy bits for us. Pinapple, cucumber, tomatoes, sweet potato, ice-burg lettuce, passion fruits & mangostien (the thing we had in Thailand) all for about £5.50 So i know where to go again for fresh stuff.
When i got back i showed Adam and we ate a mangostien together! Yummy!
We biked to the esplanade again, to try and catch some rays but it looked cloudy so we set off on our bikes. We were trying to get to Trinty beach as it is said to be about a 40 minute bike ride. As the weather was nice but not to hot we thought it would be a good time to try and bike there so we know where to go for next time.
The bike route is set up really well i is a proper tarmac route & it goes on for ages. First it goes all the way along the front where the esplanade is & then continues out towards Port douglas. We cycled for ages and realised we hadn't found the beach. Had to stop at a shop for a drink, we didn't feel to bad when we got there but there was nothing to do so we could only head back. I had a power nap for 20 mins to get my energy back from yoga! Going back was hard as it got windy and it was blowing against us, i kept getting annoyed as there were some points when we were pedalling and not even moving.
Eventually we got back to Cairns, we locked the bikes up and went in the pool for the first time! yippee. it was cold but we didn't care because we were so hot. In totally our bike ride lasted just over 3 hours including a 20 min stop. So i think we are doing ok for fitness! Im glad we turned around as i now dread to think how long that bike track goes on for. We could have ended up back in Ipswich!
Stopped at Woolworths & brought some chicken kebab things that we saw yesterday!
Came home & sat down for about 5 mins then started cooking.
Dinner was nice, we are going to get some meat for tomorrow & have a bbq at the beach lagoon if its a nice day.
Still don't know what hours we are working next week as Phil hasn't text us. I am sure he will let us know before Monday.
A random thing about Cairns is that loads of people walk around with no shoes on & they are not tramps or anything. I feel like i want to say ' put some shoes on'
- comments
mummy abbott hope you had a lovely sunday dad said you got work tues and wed so you have monday off and a long weekend. love the photos you both look like you having such a lovely time. keep safe day and night speak monday 2pm my time. love you lots xx