I don't remember the exact year, but it was in elementary school, and we were drawing self portraits. My teacher told me was hair was "dishwater blonde" and I said "that's not a very pretty color" and she said "it just means it looks a little dirty". And, so began the love/hate relationship with my hair color. It wasn't until college that I decided to get my hair highlighted and it made me feel so great! Blondes have more fun, right? Well I kept up the highlights and then it was when I had small children that I started to hate the process of having to get my hair done. I wanted it done, but the time and money commitment were too much. I'd have to rush after work and get a babysitter just to go to the salon. People would say "isn't it relaxing though?" and I'm thinking no, it's not relaxing at all because I'm wondering what it taking so long! And then I'd have to cough up over $100 bucks and pay the sitter. Was it worth it? Well right before I left for France I decided to give the old box a try. I don't know why I do this to myself, I've done it a few time and every time I end up calling the hairdresser in a panic because my hair is either red, or has a greenish tint, or orange. Then I end up spending twice as much time and money. But I decided that I needed to do my hair myself because I probably wouldn't be getting it done in this little town given the language issue. Well yesterday I couldn't take it anymore and I needed my hair done something awful. So I walked in to the salon and I said "parlez-vous anglais?" "NON" ok so I said "Je voudrais couleur sur ma chevalle." And I'm pretty sure that I just asked for color on my horse instead of my hair by the way the lady started giggling. But she was nice and we franglaid until we came to an understanding about blonde, mais au naturalle. And two hours later it was done, just like in America, and I walked out a happy, lighter, lady.
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Katherine Bowles AMEN Sister! Blondes DO have more fun so KEEP IT UP! xoxo ~katherine