With less than a week to go and still no cabin or caravan organised it's been looking like we could be up s*** creek without a paddle. We weren't having much luck with the cabin companies and so Dad started looking into the possibility of purchasing a 1970s or 1980s Kiwi caravan. There were none suitable in Northland, but were some available in Auckland and the Bay of Plenty, that are listed on Trade Me. Then yesterday afternoon Dad got a call from Highlander Accommodation to let us know that there's a cabin available for us. It's currently in Rotorua, but they're prepared to pay for the shipping as far as Auckland and then we'll have to pay for the rest of the delivery cost.
Highlander Accommodation charge you $175 for delivery from Auckland to Whangarei. They also ask that you pay for the removal upfront too, so that's another $175. Their bond is slightly more expensive at $600. Then on top of that you have to pay a week in advance, which means another $175 on arrival. We have to hire the cabin for a minimum of three months. Then if we decide to move it to Miro Road it will cost us $350 extra. Last night we were tossing up whether to buy a caravan or to just go with the cabin. Dad called me back this morning and said that he had thought about it overnight and thinks that we're best to go with the cabin for now. Like he said, we could drive down to Auckland to look at the 1980 caravan, find out it's not what we want and then be back at square one. So we're going to hire the cabin for at least three months, then will decide if we move it to Miro Road or buy a caravan. I'm just happy we've got something sorted now. I would love to live in a Kiwiana caravan, but we really need to sort out a shower before that happens.
The weather wasn't the best for moving furniture on Saturday. It was showery all day, with a few heavier downpours too. Paul and Hans took all our rubbish out to the Hikurangi rubbish dump. Then Dad came round and we moved some of our boxes to the storage unit. Yesterday the weather was a lot nicer so we shifted a lot of our furniture before lunch. There is stuff scattered everywhere in our house now, but at least we got quite a lot done over the weekend. It should take the pressure off this weekend. Really all that needs to go this weekend is our bed, fridge and freezer, the chicken house, raised vegetable garden and a few other boxes. We'll probably also need to do another trip to the dump. We moved the rabbits and guinea pigs yesterday too so I'm going to go and feed them now, then Paul and I have our netball game at 7.45pm tonight. Another appointment at Westpac this Friday to open up our joint back account and to sign the papers before they go to the solicitor. Tomorrow it's only two more weeks until our settlement date. It's all go now! Can't believe how quickly the last couple of months have gone.
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