Aaron and Beckys Surfari!
Well, i guess you could say that this is the closest we've come to a "normal life" in the last 5 months!
Having to get up for work, and having a sofa to sit on.
Not all things worked out as they should have though. My "easy" job washing dishes in a gourmet resturant has turned into a rather unbelievable job for those of you who have experience my cooking...i am a prep chef! Which means i cook and prepare a lot of the food and delicately place the food on the plates for service once ordered. Not sure why on earth they are making me do this, as it is quite clear that i dont know parsley from parmasan, but ive still got my job and am only being called a "f***ing idiot" once a night now!
And beckys glamourous work as a cocktail barmaid ....well that quickly diminished as she found herself in the mud with the strawberries! Yep, after 2 shifts at the bar, they decided not to give her any more work?! So she can now be found wheeling around a buggy picking the manky strawberries and eating the big juicy ones (apparently she tops 50 a day!) But its all good. We are still getting plenty of time to chill and surf, and boy has the surf been good for a while now. The points have been firing everyday for a week now, and look set for another week. We've had epic headhigh TeaTree and awesome overhead Granite. Shoving about 8 tops turns on every 300 metre wave is starting to take its toll on the old chicken legs which struggle to keep me standing for that long a time! But shouldnt complain.
To get to the points we have to walk through the national park where we live for upto 45 mins. and the other day there was a 1 and a half metre snake! Someone said it was a python...seemed a bit wimpy to me though! Wild Koalas are in the Eucaliptus trees aswell.
The house is coming on nicely, a few trips to the skips and friends houses and the pawn shop has resulted in a fully equipped state of the art lounge and kitchen, and we can now be found on our evenings off watching the $1 DVDs we got in Bali!
I also bought a nice mountain bike to cycle to work (30mins round trip) so all this exercise has gotta be good for the pythons and chicken legs!!
Forgot to bring the cameras to upload pics of the house, but will do so soon.
Hope everyones good at home and im sure that the good weathers finished now that the school hols have started...enjoy your 6 weeks teachers!!!
Hope to hear from you all soon
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