Arrived at Heathrow Friday night and although it was touch and go to get on the flight I managed to get on ok. Had dinner and tried to watch the movie The Assasination of Jesse James, but was to tired so slept most of the flight. Arrived in Hong Kong at 6pm on Saturday and went to the transfer desk to standby for leg 2 of my trip. Again told the flight was over sold and told to wait. I met Judy who's daughter is VS crew working in Oz, who was travelling to see her daughter Sam for the first time alone on Standby. We were both called at the same time and both given Upper Class boarding passes which was a great result. We boarded the flight and had a good chat over a few glasses of champagne then had dinner and watched Atonement. Had my seat made into a bed and went back to sleep for another 8 hours. Landed in Sydney at 7:30am Sunday feeling pretty rested. Went through immigration and was pulled aside by the immigration officer which was a bit scary. Turns out they have been getting a lot of fake passports where the passport is from one country but it says you were born in another. Mine was red flagged as its says born in Zimbabwe even though its an American Passport. After being asked a few questions I was released. Judy was sweet and waited for me. We collected our luggage and said good by then headed outside to meet Shireen who was kind enough to pick me up. Shireen is an old friend of mine from South Africa who I have not seen in about 20 years, who I got back in touch with on FB. It was great to see her and we went back to her flat and had a good catch up. Then we headed to Bronte Beach for brunch and a stroll. She took me over the Sydney Bridge for a great view of the Harbour and Opera house. We went out for coffee then headed home as jet lag set in. We watched a movie and I took a short nap then we got up and went for a walk and had a chilled night in. I stayed up till 11pm and then headed to bed.
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