we're home and we both have jobs. GOOD GOOD, finally we can start our lives properly.
- Dave Barker
- Last visited:
- Tadley, Uk
Hey everyone, welcome to our travel site. We will try and keep it updated as much as possible with travel journals, pictures and updates throughout the next year!
Our basic plan is to fly to Rio on sept 11th, then work our way around Southern Brazil, Bolivia, Peru and then Chile. From here we'll be flying to Easter Island (27th Nov) , then after three days we'll be moving on to Tahiti for a bit of R&R!
We'll then be flying in to Auckland on 3rd of Dec, to meet up with my long lo…
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Dave Barker
Hey everyone, welcome to our travel site. We will try and keep it updated as much as possible with travel journals, pictures and updates throughout the next year!
Our basic plan is to fly to Rio on sept 11th, then work our way around Southern Brazil, Bolivia, Peru and then Chile. From here we'll be flying to Easter Island (27th Nov) , then after three days we'll be moving on to Tahiti for a bit of R&R!
We'll then be flying in to Auckland on 3rd of Dec, to meet up with my long lost sister Alyson. We'll then be travelling down NZ, after spending a few days with me sis. Eventually we hope to meet up with Tommy, Graham and Helen for christmas and new years, and perhaps a few bungee jumps! After all the "extreme" activities, we'll make it to Melbourne on 14th Jan 2006. From there we'll travel up the east coast all the way to Cairns, then we'll start the long lonely trek across to the red centre and arrive in Perth arround the end of June or beginning of July.
On the 11th July we fly to Singapore and travel around South East Asia for a few months before (maybe) returning to good ol' Blighty on Spetember 10th 2006.
You can contact us through the site on the message board section, you can read about what we're up to in the postcards section, and finally you can see what we're doing and talking about in the aptly named Photos section!
Well i hope you all enjoy reading about our trip and just think el and i don't have to work at all for the next year...HAHAHA! WOOHOO!