Hello again from a sad me  Why am I sad... because I had to say goodbye to some good friends today!
Let me start at the beginning though and I will get you all up to scratch...
On the 20th we left Chicago and drove for much of the day, only making a stop at a Super wallmart! The long drive days are always quite tiring but we all woke ourselves up and had a fancy dress party at out camp site in Geneva Park, which sits next to Lake Eiree (probably wrong spelling!). I dressed as Capt. Jack Sparrow and it went down well and I look forward to getting the pics up as soon as I get home!
On the 21st we drove to Niagara Falls and took the 'Maid Of The Mist' boat tour into the falls themselves, which was an eye opener! We did get rather wet too, but we were wearing our stylish free blue ponchos so it wasn't too bad! Then some of us walked across the border into Canada for a spot of lunch... very cool, and it means I have also aquired my Canadian stamp hurrah! Then there was another long drive until we stopped in a random site and ordered pizza before having a campfire.
Today... well we have arrived in New York City!!! Yup, the Big Apple! We arrived this afternoon after an eventful day! Jess aka J-Bob and Kate aka Skippy got to achieve their dream today and had waffles in the 'Waffle House', and then Sarah aka Sydney went to a 'White... actually I have forgotten the nme of the place, but it is in the film 'Harold and Kumar Get the Munchies'. Anyway she went there and had meat for the first time in years!! So we got to NYC and we all went our own ways as we were all staying in different hotels etc etc. Then we met back up again tonight for dinner in Time Square! It was very cool... but here we get to the sad part!
The sad thing is that I had to say goodbye to most of the guys on the tour as they finish here in NY! There are now only four of us continuing on back to LA via the Southern states! On Thursday us four will meet back with our driver Chris, who is an excellent guy, and we will be joined by a load of newbees whom we will have to teach the ropes to.
So we are now up to date again... and I will hopefully update again tomorrow too! Until then... ta ta.
Jersey aka John aka Baity.....
P.S. To those whom I parted with today, especially my adopted sisters, and my adopted brother... I shall not say goodbye... but rather see you all sometime, hopefully in my home town!!! You know who you are  I miss you already guys!!! Take care xxx
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