Well hello all, I have yet again hunted down an internet cafe, this time in Chicago! So here is an update on my most recent antics...
On the 12th we were all packed up and prepared to leave Jackson Hole, when Rockstar and I were throwing the ball about next to a creek... bad idea! The ball ended up in the shallow creek and Rockstar decided to be a star and jumped in to get it... cracking his head, eye and shoulder on the rocks just below the surface... cue unscheduled hospital! A CT scan, an MRI scan and quite a few stitches later we were back on the road an on our way to Yellowstone National Park. Well when we arrived at Yellowstone it was very beautiful and we went to see 'Old Faithful' geyser, as well as many of the other thermal walks there. After that we went to our campsite on a hill overlooking the small town there, and we spent the night around a camp fire.
On the 13th we drove to a town called Cody. Unfortunately it isn't rodeo season yet so we spent the night looking around the Super Wallmart, and later Myself, Skippy, Sydney, Claire Bear, and Rockstar (who at that point was on a healthy dose of Vikaden) spent the rest of the night in a tent having our own little comedy night... great fun!
On the 14th we had a long drive through snowy mountians and high passes to eventually arrive back down in warmer lowlands, and eventually reached our destination for the night... 'Devils Tower'. For those whom don't know Devils Tower, it is the large tower of rock that appears in the film 'A Close Encounter Of The Third Kind'. It is also very impressive in real life! So at the camp site we played baseball and I cooked the group meal, before spending the rest of the night around the campfire.
On the 15th we drove through the 'Black Hills' and visited the 'Crazy Horse' monument, which was pretty awsome! It's five times the size of 'Mount Rushmore'! Our next stop was funnily enough... 'Mout Rushmore', which again was impressive. We then made a short stop in a town called 'Wall Drug' (look this town up on the net) and it was rather wierd and surreal! Then a long journey into the 'Badlands' and to our overnight stop at the Badlands Ranch. There we stayed the night in a big log house on our own and had a bit of a party.
On the morning of the 16th I was up early and some of us went on a cowboy style horse riding trip around part of the Badlands and that was pretty cool! Then we had a long days drive into the middle of nowhere, where we found a Yogi Bear Jellystone campsite (wierd). We stayed the night and enjoyed a night time hot tub and camp fire.
On the 17th we drove all the way to a town called 'Madison' where Chris our driver/guide grew up. On the was we visited the home of the 'Green Giant' giver of frozen veg! We also visited the home of SPAM and the SPAM Museum, which was an eye opener!!! Then in Madison we went to dinner with his parents and other family members, which was cool, and we even had a question time with his folks about his past haha! Then the usual group of us drinkers within the main group went out with Chris on the town... very messy!!!
On the 18th I started with a bit of a hangover! But soldiering on we made our drive into the city of Chicago! Now this city is pretty cool. In the evening we all went out to a traditional Chicago style deep pan pizza restraunt, which was rather filling and tasty! Then once agian several of us went out on the town and again it was eventful... and ended up with just Chris, Rockstar and myself in a pub lock-in, playing a hunting gun game for two hours!!!
Today, the 19th has been most eventful too! This morning I went around Chicago with Claire Bear, J-Bob, Skippy and Sydney. We visited the 'Museum of Contempary Photography, then we happened to be walking down a street when a 120ft crane collapsed on a building site and hit the building next to it... WOW!!! This in turn allowed us to watch Chicago's firefighters come into action... all very exciting! Later we walked through 'Millenium Park' and see the many wierd and wonderful things and people there! Then we visited Navy Pier, where we went on the Giant Ferris Wheel, again good fun! Then we went up the third tallest building in Chicago and had an excellent view of the city. Then shopping for a bit. Tonight we went on the train to many various parts of town and saw the Chicago Cubs Baseball Stadium all light up, and we visited a few pubs.
Tomorrow we leave for Sandusky. We now only have three days left together as this current group :o( most people finish in New York whilst myself and a few others carry on for another three weeks along the southern states. It is hard as I have made good friends in three weeks and I shall miss many of those leaving the tour! But on the other hand there will be another new group formed and this time I shall be the one who has already done three weeks in the states, and I who will instruct the new ones how to put up their thents etc etc...
And so I now retire to bed and bid you all farewell... until next time!
John aka Jersey aka Baity out.....
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