So being scared of flying, a Skydive was never on my "must do" list. But for some reason I thought I would give it a go. :/
Watching the Promotion DVD at the beginning (basically just telling us what pic/video combos we can have)...I cried. A crying sweaty mess!! The guys at Taupo Skydive are amazing. They made it clear that I was nervous and within 10 mins they had me laughing and forgetting about it. So good!! Really calmed me down. And then I saw the plane.... ITS A FRIKKIN PINK PLANE!!!!!! I jumped out of a pink plane. Very happy.
Going up in the plane was nerve racking, again I cried a little but my guy was just brilliant. He was either videoing me, telling me to look out the window or pulling me up to sit on his lap so we could be tied tighter together (you become very familiar very quickly when you have to wear a man as a backpack!!) So all of the nervy bit went really quickly and then it was here...the door opens and my first friend is thrown out of the airplane. Its not a normal sight but its very fun!! Then my other friend was thrown out and then it was my turn. I believe on my video you can see me hanging my (bare) feet of the edge of the plane, looking down and screaming "ARE YOU F****** KIDDING ME????????!!!!"" He wasn't.
And there you go...falling out of an airplane with a stranger attached to your back. The first few seconds are weird because it feels like you aren't falling (something to do with your brain being all confused) but then your brain catches up with you and you def know your falling but OMG!!!!! you free fall for a while and then the cord is pulled and you float back down to earth.
One of the best things I have ever done and Taupo Skydive Team made it special, memorable and me the effort to make me feel better. They must get through hundreds of people each week but they still take everybodys experience special to them. Absolutly fantastic. AND the cheapest place in the world you can skydive apparently.
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