We survided the jungle...just about!
The trip started off with a stop of at this pathetic~eco park-with one alligator in a lilly pond!
Once we got to our lodge things began to improve. We went pirhana fishing-very boring but managed to catch one.
Then it started to rain, and rain, and rain-yes I know we were in the rainforest-but still! After the rain all night we set off for our two nights in the jungle.
It didn~t start off so good, as we set off late-meaing that we arrived at our camp sight at dusk. After clambering up a steep muddy bank and through the jungle we came to a waterfall-camp for the night. UNfortunately as it had not been used for a couple of months the frames whch we put our hammocks on were rotten-this didn~t really worry our guide, as he just got his machete out and cut some more trees down-so much for eco tourism! After camp had been set came the next challenge-lighting a fire with damp wood. He managed it-after about an hour or it was quite a late night.
The next day, after showering in a beautiful waterfall, we did a walk through the forest so that he could point out all the different trees and what they were used for; water vines, drumming trees, mosquito replling bark, pain killers, rubber-it was very interesting. After this we set off for our next camp-an island surrounded by alligators.
That night after dinner of suppoer noodles-they really do come in handy when it~s pissing it down and you cant be arsed to cook much-our guide took us alligator spotting. After half an hour or so we were about to give up and padle home when we spotted some eyes reflected in his torch. As we couldnt quite reach them by our boat our guide tramped off into the dark-and brought us back a baby alligator to look at!
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