Dear All,
Well I left! I left Exeter on the National Express for Heathrow at 6pm on Sunday. It truly was one of the hardest days of my life! I really was expecting it to be easy and I think that was why it hit me soooo hard when I woke up on Sunday (also because I hadn't slept much because I'd been out on Sat nite!). I blubbed alot of the way on the bus. It's weird because I absolutely knew that I was doing the right thing, but I still felt really really rubbish! I knew that I really wanted to leave but it was still very hard, it is hard to describe.
I had major wobbles until I landed in New York and the minute I landed, I really liked it. It is exactly as it looks on tv, the people make me laugh a lot! I met the coach to take me in to the city and the driver was a classic New York citizen and I was sat at the very front with him, he made me smile all the way. The journey was about 45mins and after 5 mins a lady got on who was about 80yrs old and she was really kind to me. I think that everyone must have sensed my tiredness and wobblyness because they were all so kind. The lady gave me a running commentary of New York all the way and nearly gave me a great big hug when she got off the bus! The bus driver took me to a different stop, to the one that I had booked because he was worried about me and he though that it would be easier for me!
When I go off, whilst he was getting my bag from the hold, he gave me a 10 minute lecture on how to be careful. Amongst other things, he told me not to trust anyone because they approach you pretending to be friendly and pickpocket you. Anyway I managed to then work out the metro system (it's must better than London underground) and I arrived at the station near my hostel. However, when I got to the top of the steps, there was a young man walking by who looked at me and asked if he could help me. After my lecture from the bus driver, I was very wary and nearly ignored him! Anyway he actually guessed where I was going and said that he would walk me there. He did as well! and to top it off, I still had all my stuff in my pockets when I arrived!
Everyone at the hostel is really nice and very helpful It's loads nicer than what I was expecting. The only problem is, that everyone is just passing through for a few days like me, so we are all busy rushing round sight seeing, not socialising. I hope that when I get up to Canada, things will be a little quieter and I can actually hang out with the people that I meet. I fly up to Vancouver on Thurs morning and I go straight to Vancouver Island for nearly a week.
I think that I'm going to book a Kiwi Experience, backpacker bus ticket for New Zealand. I have all ready nearly decided that I will probably do 6 weeks there instead of 4, because I'm enjoying this more leisurely pace of life already! To be honest, not alot is stressing me because I know I don't really have to be anywhere for six mouths. It makes such a change not to have to rush for anything and I'm already starting to feel more laid back. I slept for 11 hours last night and I haven't done that in years! And it was in a dorm with about 9 other girls.
Today I went to see Ground Zero. It was one place that I really wanted to go to and I was please I went. Ir was very odd having this huge space in front of you but a huge sky scraper behind you. It made me feel very small for some reason. God it was hot though! There was no breeze at all, so I decided my next stop had to be the Statan Island ferry.
I loved the ferry (not just because it was free!). It was a really nice trip and gave really good views of Lower Manhattan and the Statue of Liberty. Tomorrow I am going up the Empire State building and to walk across Brooklyn bridge. I hope to spend the afternoon chilling out in central Park, in the sun!
Sorry about the long blog but I wanted to get my departure and my first day in detail. I promise the rest will be shorter. Also, I have attached all my photo's because I haven't worked out how to select just a couple yet (sorry!). And I am typing very fast because my moneys running out and I have no idea how to spell check yet! Have fun reading
I hope you are all well, and I truly am missing you all loads ( I wish I could pack you in my backpack, but it is heavy enough already!)
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