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Bangkok, Thailand
The day has finally come.... We are going home to England tonight.
We're both happy and sad to get on that flight. This has been an amazing trip and we have been to so many great places and met so many wicked people, but there is no place like home eh! Plus Jake is really fed up with all the shopping here in Bangkok, and will find it less …
Angelika have some control over it vlumoe or muting controls would likely work fine. Incorporating Language Software might be beneficial but not
re: photo from 19 March 2007Sandeep Jeg har ikke helt bestemt meg for hva vi skal kjf8pe til ve5re sme5. kksjane vi kjf8per noen varmt de kan ha pe5 seg ne5 som vinteren kommer. De har bare bamsedresser, men jeg kunne tenkt meg noen litt tykkere vinterdresser i str 74 kksjane.. Se5 det fe5r vi se litt an..Dette e5ret skal vi feire julaften pe5 Randaberg hos mine foreldre. Det blir guttenes ff8rste lange biltur (vi bor i Bergen), og det blir ogse5 ff8rste mf8te med store deler av familien Jeg glede rmeg helt enormt til e5 komme hjem til jul.konkurranser har jeg egentlig aldri brydd meg om ff8r, men ne5 i det siste har jeg deltatt i noen fe5 konkurranser. Vant faktisk et personlig pledd fra pledd.net gjennom borghild sin blogg, leahogmamma.blogspot.com
re: photo from 10 July 2007Siva ne5r eg hf8rre den sangen der, se5 tenke eg pe5 ne5r du tog HEILT av, me alle dei sganane du sang t Lillian, haha
re: photo from 11 July 2007Libeth they have some control over it vomule or muting controls would work okay. Incorporating Language Software might be beneficial but not
re: photo from 08 June 2007Dorinha lowongan Travel Agent di Bali, ada yang minat?guys, ada yang minat kerja di Travel Agent ?kita butuh staff nih untuk :1. Operation : mahir berbahasa Inggris, bmenrpgalaean di bidangnya (bisa bikin quotation), lincah, jujur2. Kasir : jujur, teliti, minimal lulus SMU/setarakirim aja CV ke alamat email : ato ke alamat : Jl. By Pass Ngurah Rai, Pertokoan Kuta Megah No. 6/F, Tuban Kuta Bali (PT. PACIFIC INTERINDAH TOUR N TRAVEL)ditunggu ya Guys
re: photo from 08 June 2007Chebbi Aug01Holly So crazy that you blogged this. I alierltly just watched Picnic and Rollercoaster last week and was thinking about her. I will find it and read it.
re: photo from 10 July 2007Sohail 'oh, fun!', like jumping in over your head into a giant ball pit. And then dying there, tpaeprd and unable to get out again.
re: photo from 02 December 2007Samerfact artisticIn sign design, as in any piece, there are many cintiderasoons: What is appealing to the eye. People like a relaxing scene, but in this case they want to be moved to go to the circus. Consider some circus animals, like maybe a cow.
re: photo from 02 December 2007siamo Thanks Ramon!Just realized that sreavel of you are already present I'm really looking forward to follow your progress!I wish there was a fablab near Bayreuth seems to be an awesome place to create cool stuff.Cheers,Flo
re: photo from 10 July 2007Rahim Hiya, I am really glad I've found this info. Nowadays egoglbrs publish just about gossips and internet and this is actually annoying. A good web site with exciting content, that is what I need. Thank you for keeping this web site, I will be visiting it. Do you do newsletters? Can't find it.
re: photo from 11 February 2007Dylan Dear Lawrence Chang,I have read your blog with interest after fdniing your blog seeing Andreas Tuerk and Dwipal Desai on Youtube talking about the new youtube app. My company has crontracts to provide Warner Brothers, Sony Pictures and Universal Pictures mobile games content. We have over 250 premium games, under 12 contracts, hosted on our mobiq. content delivery platform which populates content to a java client via xml feeds.We have worldwide billing integrated in 145 countries via psms/wap billing, paypal, bt clickandbuy and visa/debit.The project has taken a year and a half to develop. It launches in the uk with a 2 Million marketing spend with the world's largest directory assistance company. *First time you can choose cinema, find film and book a seat all in the same client with integrated credit card bookings.In short, I was hoping we could look to provide you our xml mobile content feeds which relate to youtube videos. Weekly mp3 top charts(US Billboard Chart & 6 countries).Film Studio Games(150)Hollywood Reporter News Video FeedNew services from Reuters, BBC, Heat, Sporting Life, Ok!, Maxmim.All cached for the client via our specially designed and coded feeds for java clients.Feeds include price, pay here buttons, game genres, search keywords, short and long description of games and links to all countries for wap billing.So we can now deliver relating mobile content to the video on youtube via association with video description or title. All ready to test...I really hope to interest you in this project. We would offer you a large share of the revenues earnt, all with real-time reporting.Includes*Viral Marketing (Automatically Input all your contacts to send youtube messages to them).Our client launches this month. Could I send you a sample games xml feed we have just deployed?I look fwd to speaking with you. Best Regards,Tim ByronEDA Solutions Inc.
re: On top of the worldYuzo Great view I recently hit on your blog and have been ierdang along. I thought I would leave my primary comment. I don’t know what toconfessexcept that I have enjoyed ierdang. Exact blog. I will keep visiting this blog very each time. q4
re: photo from 09 February 2007Vansaw Kev you wont believe this but same thing ppahened to me on ruta40 a lorry rolledand fliped coming towards me only stopped a few feet from me front wheel scared the crap outof me and managed to slow me down even more than my usuall snails pace of travel Great write up again, hope you get moto sorted looking forward to next report
re: Mental guyClarissa My mom and I wish to create a blog imaslir to this for our web site, I stumbled across your internet site trying to find ideas on the theme along with page layout. I am taking some coding class in college however, not confident that I would be capable of create a internet site such as this one at this time. Did you code this site by yourself or employ an expert?
re: ...could have been a nice picture....Man Welcome back, StavrosTheWonderchickenStavrosthewonderchicken is back, leading off his ruetrn with a great post on the situation on the ground in Korea, Cloudy, Strong Chance of Rain and a screed about our legal drug pushers. I discovered the wonderchicken 6 months or so ago, when he crack
re: photo from 10 July 2007