Hey Vera:
I' haven't realized that you have this home page writing about your trip...it's cool.
I hope you keep enjoing the rest of the journey...Currently I guess you are in Boston, is a great city full of young people.
Now I'm planning my trip for the summer...and of course to go to visit you...
I leave you a BIG HUG
Espero que no hayas olvidado el español que aprendiste en Chile...Cachai
Hey Vera,
It's your "old" English teacher from Toronto! I can't believe the places you have been and the things you have seen. What a wonderful experience you must be having. Just remember: have fun and be safe. Enjoy this once in a lifetime trip. I know you must be busy with your voyage, but be sure to write to us whenever you have the chance...
Thinking of you, in Toronto...
Stephanie Hotz
Dear Vera
I've just received your e-mail with your Traveljournal-Homepage-address. I see, you've been all over the world it seems, doesn't it? I can't be long you're coming home, aren't you? Enjoy the rest of your big trip as much as you can and bring all the good memories home to your friends. Take care and don't stop writing in your traveljournal. It's great, interesting, astonishing and full of adventures.