Dear Claire and Steve, well we have been back home a week now and I am finally feeling "normal" after the extreme tiredness following the stay in Hong Kong and the long flight. Australia was brilliant, it was a fabulous holiday and great to spend time with you both. The memories of the long hot Oz summer days will keep me going until our summer in the UK!!!! And I am already saving for the next long haul holiday maybe even NZ. Lots of love Mum xxxx
Benny Joseph
Dear Steve & Claire,
Hope everything goes well for you. Really I am jealous of you. Now I have left Lakshadwwep and got my shift to Idukki which is an enchanting & lush green forest station. When you come next time to India this is a must-visit spot. Wish you both the very best and enjoy well in Australia. With love Benny, Laly, Aswin & Alka
Chris & Jan
Hi Lena, Will, Steve & Claire
Really enjoyed the photos - can definitely see why you want to stay (Steve & Claire). Never imagined N.Z. to be like that. Lena - I've sent you quite a few e-mails today and hopefully have attached that photo you wanted - 3rd attempt - better late than never!
See you soon.
Lots of love from
Chris, Jan & Bella
Richard & Jill
Lovely to see William and Mum (Lena) enjoying themselves, guess you'll be all too soon on your way home now so "Bon Voyage" and see you back in the UK soon. Steve & Claire, great to see you've settled down there don't be worried about staying - we know how good it feels!! Best wishes and keep the photos coming! R&J xx
Lynne El-Hoss
Hi you two! We're sooooo envious....... but really, really excited for you both. This is going to be such a fantastic experience and who knows you may get a visit from us. Whether that fills you with dread or not???
There have been lots of changes at work, some people leaving and lots of new faces arriving. I don't know if you heard that Emma and Helen are going to take their social work degree?
Paul and I are hoping to go to Cuba for the new year, which is SOMETHING to look forward to. It's a place I've wanted to visit for years, but just never got around to, but knowing my luck, Fidel will pop his clogs just before and it'll all go t**ts up!!!
We've had a really nice Summer here, but it seems to be coming to an end and I can't believe that people are already planning the 'Christmas Do'. That makes you feel good doesn't it????
I have got loads of gos, but nothing I could possibly post on this message you may get a phone call soon!! I'll leave you now with that little teaser.........
Loads of love to you both xxxxx
I know I said that I looked forward to the photo update - but now I think you're just taking the p&i&s !! Looks like you're having a brilliant time. Not much news to report from Blighty sorry ! Smith and Jones graced us with a fleeting visit last week - which was wicked. Really good to see them both. To be fair, I felt sorry for them - they were meant to be on holiday and ended up spending the best part of two weeks just running around the country visiting various people. But, still, they were on good form and looking well.
As for the Andrews family antics - everyone who is at home - get your rear ends down to the Com as suggested. As it is the day before my due date - I'm gonna have to give it a miss (I'm hoping it's a good enough excuse not to be there ?!?). As Claire mentioned, they really have turned out some quality personnel over the years !! (Can't name any at the minute, but I'm sure it's true !)
Well, best be off for now - got an hot date with Des Lynam and Countdown !!! (Thank God the football season is back !)
Speak to you soon,
Excellent photo's.
You all look as though you are having a wicked time and I wish I was there as well.
Claire & Steve - (The Other Ones)
Just took a look at your photos and they are amazing - am so jealous sitting at my desk in London on a wet August ( supposed to be summer!!) day. Very envious to say the least !! I forget how beautiful NZ is.... steve is going to be very homesick again when I show him........
Not much news this end but hoping to catch up with Em and Dan in London tonight - if I can get hold of them!! Great news about you both staying in NZ for 2 years too - hopefully we'll get to visit you in beautiful Aotearoa when we are back next. Must dash and do some work, take care of yourselves and send more photos soon, love, Claire A & Steve XXXXX
Carly & Blair
Hi Guys
Love the photos, makes me homesick :-(
Sounds like you guys are having a great time and we will have to have a phone date soon!!
Have a decent beer for me, as I am the poor kiwi in London I get stuck drinking Fosters!!
Much Luff
Carly and Blair
Claire & Steve
We can definitely vouch for the fact that Lena and William have arrived after a very long journey. We have kept them very busy over the last few days and they are loving every minute partcularly hitting the slopes every day although we have a flat full of exhausted people right now! We will post some photos tomorrow of them on their skis - they are both doing very well....William is trying to match his brother for speed and is getting better by the day. Lena has a great style and Steve gave her some coaching today so watch this space! Whoever is watching this site get yourselves to Swansea on bank holiday (see message below) and support our local school - they have turned out some remarkable people over the years you know!
Richard & Jill Noy
Agree with Mum (Wales) - let's be seeing that L & W are ACTUALLY there. Sorry not to have mentioned it before but loved the photo's taken in NZ so far. In covering the Taeri Gorge Railway you followed in our own tracks from a few months earlier and your photos around Wanaka and Queenstown have evoked happy memories for us. Especially looking forward to the photo of Lena paragliding - we watched them doing it from the side of Wakitipu but think it's for none but the brave...and Lena's certainly that! Enjoy your snow while you can, spring's around the corner now! Best wishes to you all, wish we were back there with you! Love from R&J.
Mum (Wales)
Lena and William
Have you arrived in NZ yet? I thought about you all day on Friday. I hope all the bickies haven't been eaten yet and you are not to cold. Waiting for some photos to be posted of your adventures on the ski slopes. Enjoy but don't try and keep up with Claire and Steven you want to come back in one piece !!!!! Lots of love to Claire and Steven Oh and by the way Ceri, Josef, Ffion and me are off to Monkey World in Dorset on Thursday and Friday, Lynsey has booked me a cage to stay so I may not be coming to Australia if I like it there to much !!!!
Yvonne and Mum xx