I'm sitting here, wondering how on earth I am to introduce a month like this! A month of blessings, excitment, experiences, illness, friendships, hard work and busyness!! Each day is full of surprises, nothing shocks me anymore! Whether it be the traffic, the food or the's all a hundred times crazier than I could have ever imagined. I'm living on my own now. I have all that 'spare time' to sit and think about it all...most nights I just lie back on my bed trying to make sense of what's going on and where I am. God is a friend who sticks closer than a brother, us Christians are never alone! This is what amazes me and brings me joy...not only of God's presence... but that He delights to hear and answer my prayers. I've witnessed answered prayer many times since I've been here, He is at work and "He never slumbers or sleeps"...
Prayer is nothing like WiFi . . . there's no cable failiure or signal needed to pray even though I'm on the other side of the world. In fact, we're told in Matthew 6:8 - "Your Father knows what you need, even before you ask him."
You see, I'm fed up with buffering internet and unimagineabley slow's just additional proof that this world is always a step behind. We'd be lost without prayer. It's our lifeline!
So with that in mind, I would ask for your prayers for me daily as I seek to serve Him in the heart of the Philippines. Trying to sum up everything that's happened in the past month would be an impossible task, so I've decided to just include some of the prayer points:
- Thank God for my fast recovery, please pray that I would continue to be in good health and this wouldn't be a problem for me again.
- Pray for CCM (Christian Compassion Ministries) as they daily work to bring the gospel to the children:
- For the Girls Home (housing 34 girls) and the Boys Home (housing 5 boys). Pray for their salvation. I've had many encouraging conversations recently with them. Many seem so close to committing their life to Christ, yet distractions can prevent the earnestness. All of them have tragic backgrounds, coming from families who have neglected them, abused them or have been too deep in poverty to care for them. God is the "Father of the fatherless..", pray that this would be recognised and He would become their source of hope and rest.
- Pray for the EAP (Educational Assistance Program) run by CCM. There are almost 300 homeless/street children helped through this ministry. The EAP provides scholarships and financial stability for their education. It gains nothing in return, but it relies on sponsors. Pray for those who are sponsoring already and for more sponsors to come forward to help donate the money CCM needs to function.
- The staff who tirelessly dedicate their time and efforts to work as housmothers/fathers or social workers. I have the privelige of working alongside them every weekday. Pray for enthusiasm and is a very stressful and strenuous job and can drain on them.
- Pray for additional staff to be added to CCM. So many requirememnts are left to a minimal amount of workers. We hope that God would raise up more men and women to help as administators, social workers, housemothers & housefathers.
- Pray for Sheryl - a girl who recently ran away from the CCM Girls Home to live with her boyfriend. Unfortunately she has made the decision to stay with him and has the backing of her whole family. Pray that she would remember the many messages and devotions she was presented with while in CCM.
- Pray for funding for the CCM boy's home. They hope to be able to move into a bigger home so that more boys can be helped.
- Pray as I seek to learn more of the language. I was able to give a devotion the other day which was semi-Tagalog. All my resources were written in Tagalog and the translator was able to translate my English explanations. I am learning fast, but (as with every language), there are many peculiar, unwritten rules which can be very confusing.
- Pray for Pastor Brian Ellis (a missionary supported through GBM) as he flew to England yesterday morning. He is staying there for 2 months. Keep your eyes peeled because he hopes to be touring many churches during his vist!
- Pray also for Pastor Ellis' wife, Ate Necy. Recently she suffered many health problems which meant she was admitted to a hospital for a week. She has now been discharged, but is still in need of prayers for recovery. Despite being very active, she is in her 80's and therefore is very frail.
- Pray for the GMA (Grace Ministerial Academy) - a ministry which aims to teach and train Pastors every week. I am able to sit in on the classes every Friday night. The subject matters are challenging and thorough...yet they are tackled by Pastor Noel Espinosa very well. He is a very gifted, knowledgable preacher and it's a blessing to be under his ministry each week, alongside godly men.
- Pray for the Church Camp (Rebap Camp) which is to be held on March 28th-30th. There are expected to be over 300 people in attendance!
- Pray for the EAP camp which is to be held next month from April 24th-26th. Also the DVBS (a Holiday Bible Club) which is to be held from April 15th-19th. Although this is still a while until it is to be held, there are many preparations which need to be thought through. I have been asked to share my testimony and give staff devotions.
- Pray for the work in San Pedro at Sovereign Grace Christian Church. I was able to go to this church a couple of weeks is amazing to see how God has caused this church to rapidly grow in the last couple of years. Pray also for Matt Gamston who is heavily involved in the work at this church, and pray as he prepares to leave the Philippines and live in England from the beginning of next year.
- Pray for the thousands of people who are affected by extreme poverty day by day in the Philippines. It can be incredibly dangerous for them! As regards to the children, their future is uncertain. I have been greatly affected when visiting the slums, squatter areas and seeing the homeless living by the sides of the really does deeply sadden you when you see that this is a reality! Their tears are full of heartache, hopelessness and desperation. Oh that Christ would enter their hearts and they would be assured of treasures in heaven!
- Finally, pray for me. Pray that God would give me strength, determination and wisdom! This experience will change my life, but I don't want to just come for the's of no use if Christ is not glorified. I have a list of dates for devotions and Bible studies, (these are for the CCM homes, prayer meetings and the slums) so please pray that God would help me as I prepare these that I would be given the words to speak and it wouldn't fall on deaf ears.
What a list!! I'm so encouraged and thankful when I hear that you are praying for and thinking of me. Please continue to bring me before the Lord each day. It's not something I will ever take for granted!
- comments
Susan Thanks for sharing. So much to pray for yet God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think. Remembering you before the Throne of Grace. With love Ian & Susan + 6