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Duluth, Georgia (USA)
robert walpole Hi Dennis, Long time between drinks welcome back,you put my letter writing to shame.. all the best, Bob
re: New Zealand, North Island, 2016brian Quick question I have a pen pal who tells me she cannot find a .ale partner because most of the Russian men drink alcohol a lot and are rough with the women is this TRUE?.
re: Novosibirsk, RussiaKostas Hey i've just stumbled across your blog and would have taken my road sniff and out of here if you havent asked for encouragment. All stories need to be told, just choose your point of view. Hope the best, see you on some road, i'd be on a car though :)
re: Wales, UKIssac If you're not picky on the color, you can find it on clearance fraliy inexpensive. We got peach color this year and it bleached out to white in just a few days. Issue we have here are the wild turkeys peck holes in it which is a bit annoying. But to fix, I just use some light fishing line and stitch it back closed.
re: Bukhara, UzbekistanSatha When my boyfriend and I lived in Clifton, we got Amol teoakut at least once a week. I always preferred it over Ambar, because whether dining in or carrying out, they were always faster and friendlier than Ambar. I know people go to Ambar because it's always packed and it's the place "to see and been seen," but really, I didn't find a terribly huge difference in the taste of the food. Amol is even cheaper than Ambar by a few bucks per dish. Annnnd, Amol has my favorite naan: kashmiri naan, with coconut and golden raisins inside. (I guess it's more of a dessert naan.)Anyway, you mentioned being a fan of Baba India, which I believe is Ambar's sister restaurant. We live closer to Baba than any other Indian place, and occasionally dine in/carryout from there, but it is very similar to Ambar.I would also suggest making a trip up to Springdale to check out this virtually unheard of Indian place in a strip mall of all places. It's called Taj Mahal, and it's on Rt. 4 just south of the 275 loop. Very tasty and very classy place located between a dry cleaner and a Dairy Queen.
re: Mılıtary polıceman who put me up for the nıghtKutang Κοίτα, ειδικά για την περίπτωση του Webmin, ο Opera -όντως- είναι γρηγορότερος (ή, έστω, ήταν και για αυτό συνεχίζω να τον χρησιμοποιώ ειδικά για αυτή τη χρήση). Τους είχα βάλει και τους τρεις (Firefox Opera Chrome) να ανοίγουν την ίδια σελίδα παράλληλα πάνω από 10 φορές (αφού έτσι διαχειρίζομαι ένα remote Ubuntu box). Ε, ο Opera -ποτέ- δεν έδινε την αίσθηση πως κόλλησε όπως οι άλλοι.Όσο για τον Flock, όχι, δεν είναι γρηγορότερος με την καμία. Πρόκειται για μετατροπή του Firefox ώστε να είναι ευκολότερη η πρόσβαση σε συγκεκριμένα κοινωνικά και blgoigng add-ons, η οποία, όμως, είναι σχεδόν πάντα μισή έκδοση πίσω και έτσι, δεν κερδίζει από τις όποιες βελτιώσεις σε επιδόσεις των νέων εκδόσεων. Περιστασιακά κατάφερνε να πλησιάσει τις νεότερες εκδόσεις και μετά ξαναέμενε πίσω .Για τον Swiftfox όλο ακούω και δεν έχω αξιωθεί να τον δοκιμάσω. Βλέπεις, ως distro προτιμώ πάντα το Gentoo, οπότε δεν καταλαβαίνω τι παραπάνω έχει να μου προσφέρει μια διαφορετική εκδοχή του Firefox από τη στιγμή που α) ο δικός μου είναι compiled για τον δικό μου επεξεργαστή σε 64bit περιβάλλον και β) έχω ήδη κάνει optimize τις όποιες ρυθμίσεις όπως πρέπει/προτιμώ (parallel fetching, pipelining κ.λπ.).In other news What is Pango?Υ.Γ.: Ξέρω, είχα πει πως έφευγα . Όπου να' ναι Σε λίγο Καθυστέρησα λιγάκι (και ακόμη δεν έχω κλείσει μάτι!).
re: Biggest Opera House in RussiaAaron This pretty coalipmtion clashes with at least three things which strike someone arriving from almost anywhere else in the US:- Despite the frequent repetition of fashionable opinions on racism issues', Portland is astoundingly, breathtakingly white. It's ironic that, underneath the posturing, that's likely a substantial part of what many new arrivals and current residents like about living here.- Despite openly expressed smugness regarding public transportation issues, the average number of trips accounted for by said public transportation in the Portland metro area is slightly above 1.5%: no more than average for a US metro area. In other words, smugness is all there is to the image.- Despite the sunny scenes of the coast, when you get there you find that in reality most of the time the sky at the coast is leaden gray.I like it here. I can even find the endless self-congratulation amusing. The posing which is its cause however is, let's face it, pretty sophomoric and silly.
re: Omsk when its not rainingLankapuri I've loved these photos for quite some time. I'm a phohtgrapoer, and have been for 25 years. I've probably chased down all sorts of historic images and processes.This, actually, is sort of how Technicolor works, and why it doesn't fade over time.I say sort of because there are several points to the history of technicolor, but all of it is on the basic principal of different B&W sensitive films, and recombination. Technicolor I used two filters, and two film stocks. Technicolor II used three filters, and two film stocks, in a completely different system, with much better color fidelity, and much sharper images.
re: Gaukushon EnsembleDakota Bukhara offers Mughlai food , and the mguhal empire stretched over present day Pakistan too , so if they use Pakistani recipes its OK . Of course , though like all 5 star restaurants (for local food atleast) , its highly overrated . You get much better kebabs at Khan Chacha/Saleems and for mutton burra/seekh kebab Karims is the place to go . Moti Mahal beats the butter chicken here any day
re: Dinner in a 200 yr old roomVerhy , you are a wonderful pthgohrapoer and an even better friend. When I read your post, I can't believe that many years have gone by and how long we've know each other. Maybe it's just all of our collective youthful approaches to life. Thanks again. You have a beautiful craft and I hope you keep seeing the world through your camera lense.
re: Chris and Rose giving it a goSyed that it's 90210ish has seriously not been whncaitg. Oh sure, it's not exactly the deepest most serious show on television, and the writers know that. Part of the fun is that they almsot make fun of the genre in the clever dialogue and the sometimes ridiculous situations. The interesting thing is as unrelatable as their lives are, we can still identify with the characters, and the cast I think has done a brilliant job in turning people who could have been steroetypes into 3D human beings.The O.C knows how to bring the fun and fancy and make it almost believable. I'd say check it out, for sure
re: photo from 01 October 2012Thore I can tell you from experience (I set up my ancouct a few months before leaving LA) that Charles Schwab has an AMAZING checking ancouct for world travelers. I can use my debit card in any ATM anywhere on the planet and they reimburse me for the charges. It's radtastic.The only complaint that I have is that their customer service, though extremely friendly and helpful, is not available all the time. I ran into a problem in Vegas, the first time I was going to use the card, where I couldn't remember what I had used as a PIN number. I called the help number and was informed that they were closed because it was 10am, try again later or check out the website. Yeesh.Overall, though, I've been VERY satisfied with Charles Schwab.
re: Iranıan bıke deposıtoryDoru Yes you can use them to write checks get cash etc. BUT it is a huge mtskaie!Rip the checks up ASAP they give you 6 months with 0% interest but charge you a fee to cash the check and they know you can't pay it all off in 6 months. They will get thier money from you don't fall into this credit trap!Live debt free! It is a wonderful feeling.
re: Voru, EstoniaSulosa CourtneyI love this cape! I was going to try to attempt it myelsf but it would be even better to win one! Ok, so my name is Courtney and I live in Queen Creek and I have a blog, which I think you can link to by clicking on my name. If not, it's tcmoss.blogspot.comMy 2 year old calls himself Superman all the time when he pretends to be Spiderman. I think he would love this.
re: Istanbul, Turkey- last visited

- travel plan
- Toowoomba, Queensland
- Northampton, UK
- Gdansk, Poland
- Masurian Lakes, Poland
- Vilnius, Lithuania
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- Ulaanbataar, Mongolia
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- Turkey
- Bulgaria
- Cherbourg, France
- Southhampton, UK
- Wales, UK
- Northampton, UK
- Toowoomba, Queensland
- Cape York Peninsula, Queensland
- Usa, Georgia
- Silverton, Colorado
- Canyonland Np, Utah
- Aztec, New Mexico
Beck Taylor Lovely flow Dennis, you write well
robert walpole Hi Dennis, Long time between drinks welcome back,you put my letter writing to shame.. all the best, Bob