I really liked Sedona, and could have stayed longer. Sal liked it, but wasn't into the 'new-age' atmosphere, and all the Japanese and Korean tour-groups were annoying her, so she was ready to move on! Sadly, she couldn't find a fridge-magnet with 'Sedona rocks!' on it, and I failed to locate a t-shirt with a slogan like 'I went to Sedona and had my chakra realigned', very poor!
I'd spotted a huge meteor crater near Flagstaff, AZ, on the map, which was on our way from Sedona to the Grand Canyon, and wanted to stop and see it. But we got a bit confused, and ended up at an extinct volcanic crater instead! The other crater was hundreds of miles away! It was an easy mistake to make, apparently, and we spoke to some Americans who'd also gone to the wrong crater! It worked out ok, though, as it was a lovely volcanic crater in a beautiful park.
We drove through quite a few Native American Reservations on the way. Still no wig-wams for Sal, but we stopped at a Navajo craft market, and stocked up on feathered head-dresses and tomahawks!
There's far too much 'awesome'-ness to take in, sometimes. Joshua Tree Park; awesome, Sedona's red rocks; awesome, Sunset Crater Volcano; awesome, and that was all before we reached the Grand Canyon, which is, obviously, even awesome-er! The park itself is huge, and it was a 25 mile drive from the Park entrance to our lodgings. I was desperate for a pee, and starving hungry, too, as the Navajo craft market didn't have a cafe! We finally arrived, checked-in, pee'd, and ate, but not necessarily in that order!
We didn't want to miss sunset over the canyon, so dashed out to catch it. Sal had looked in the info booklet, and it suggested a couple of good 'sunset' viewing points. The one we headed for was about 20 miles away, I took a wrong turning, and was heading back to Sedona at one point, and then we got stuck behind someone who stubbornly insisted on adhering to the ludicrously low speed limit! We made it, just in time, to see the sun slip below the canyon rim, beautiful, but bloody cold! Glad we had our hoodies!
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