Morning all from a very sunny Lima.
I got in yesterday from Quito to start the next leg of my trip which will tale me all the way to Rio. I returned Tom the Galapagos on Friday evening after finishing a four day cruise where I attempted to follow in the footsteps of Mr Darwin and indeed Mr Attenborough. In only hope my photos do it justice!
The Galapagos are a short flight from Quito. I flew to one of the main islands called Baltra where we met our local naturalist guide, Pedro and boarded our boat called the G 5 San Juan. It was one of the smaller boats, sleeping 16 plus crew but was very comfortable and the good was excellent.
We boarded at noon and were snorkelling by 2pm, ideal! The water was nearly 20 degrees but I still opted for a wetsuit! On our first snorkel we saw an abundance of colourful fish on the reek plus loads of turtles, sting ray and manta ray. I couldn't believe how much we saw in just a few minutes. That afternoon we made our first excursion from the boat to an island called Mosquera which has a vast sea colony. Those guys were hilarious to watch and completely ignored us as we landed on their beach. We practically had to step over them in places as they lay out sunbathing along the beach. Occasionally we had to watch out for the odd grumpy male sea lion who barked and chased us if we got to close as he patrolled his stretch of beach.
Then it was bak to the boat for cocktails and dinner. On the first night the boat ran out if gin. Now I am not taking full responsibility for this as some of he Canadians did follow my lead when selecting heir tipple for the night. Thankfully the rest of the bar was well stocked with an interesting selection of drinks but I suggested to Jefferson the bar man that it might be a good idea to get stocked up on the gin for his next trip!
- comments
Anna Oh Ellie, why does the gin disaster not surprise me! Can't wait to see all your photos. Perhaps you will have to arrange a slide show for us on your return. xx
Yvette Grice Oh heck no gin - did they not know you were going! Sounds amazing out there and glad you are having such fun. Thanks so much for my birthday pressie! Take care x
Angela Time to buy your own gin supply Miss Murray. I'll bring some out with me if you manage to drink South America dry! Lovely to see your face on Saturday and can't wait to see you and photos of your trip xx