Hey I thought they said this was the sunshine state!!!!! It has been pouring with rain and when I say pouring I mean flooding!!! We left the lovely lake placid and headed south to eventually reach Dad's ultimate destination being Bundaberg, yes you guessed it to visit the Bundy distillery.
The weather has been shocking to the point that when we got to the Airlie beach where mum and dad were going to go over to the Whitsunday islands, all the boats had been cancelled due to the 35 knot winds blowing off the coast. Although they missed the islands we continued to explore around Airlie beach which mum said would be quite beautiful in the dry weather. We did a day trip to Dingo beach and had a bbq and spent some time wandering on the beach looking at the flotsam and jetsam and I had a lovely swim in between the rain. It was so incredibly flooded in the caravan park that right outside our van door was a huge mud puddle which I wasn't allowed to play in.
We headed south again but the weather was so bad that it was quite dangerous on the roads so we decided to sit it out in a free camp at a tiny, blink and you miss it, town called St Lawrence. The free camp area was really good and we were lucky enough to fluke a high dry spot to park up. We watched the rain for 3 days and 3 nights!!! Mum started talking about having to gather animals 2 by 2 and I got excited because I thought I would have some playmates but she was talking about needing an ark or something. We got the ozpig out and at least had a fire to watch besides the rain. Mum got so bored that she invented a rain catcher off the awning to try and catch some of the rain but she really needed bunnings as the milk bottle mark 1 invention didn't quite make it. Dad made mark 2 from some fitting from bunnings when we found one and it works brilliantly. Everyone who walks past admires it. We now have a fresh water system as well as solar power so are completely self sufficient.
Finally we had a small break in the weather and we continued our journey through Rockhampton and into Bundaberg. Dad did the Bundy tour and was really excited about some of the stuff he got from there some liquor or something. I had a taste but I would prefer smakos any day. We free spotted it that night then headed to Maryborough Did you know the writer of Mary Poppins was from Maryborough?? Neither did we until we went for a wander in town and there was all this information and history about her. She had used some of the ideas of the town for her book. There was even a pretend Mary Poppins wandering around the streets.
Yesterday we landed in Hervey Bay and have booked in to a nice caravan park which is the best one we have been in so far. I have to go to a Kennel on Monday yay! Because mum and dad are going over to Fraser Island to camp for 3 nights. It is really cold at night here but at least the rain has stopped and the sun is finally out! I recon mum and dad will freeze while I am tucked up nice and warm with lots of dog friends around me. The nice man at the kennel is going to let us store our caravan there for free while I am there so dad is happy. I am looking forward to some fresh fish that mum and dad hope to catch over at Fraser but I hoped they don't get bogged!
I can't believe it is almost 3 months since we left home! We hope you are all ok and surviving the winter!
Congrats to our friends in Melbourne on the arrival of baby number 4!!!!!! Can't wait to see you all
- comments
L'il Jess Hey Bandit good to hear from you. From the picture, I suspect you did "play" in the mud puddle when mum & dad had their back turned? LOL - not the rain here but very chilly in the mornings. We are having Christmas in July tonight so Spike & I are expecting to be spoilt rotten with the guests and we will think of you when we get the turkey leftovers from Mum! Enjoy your kennel stop off woof & xxxxx from us