I'm sorry but this one has to start with a big BOING BOING!! As you will probably remember the last time we wrote, we had broke down in the middle of no where on the Sunday of the last day of the Championship season. This started as a really horrible day but as you can imagine we soon cheered up as the scores came through on the internet and the boys we're crowned CHAMPIONS!!!
Day 108 - The joy of celebrating promotion to the premiership with all the insects and kangaroos soon came to a grinding halt when we made the phone call to the 'local mechanical garage' he quoted a ridiculous $520.00 to get towed to his workshop, so we had the choice of either pushing nearly two tonnes of 4x4 120 kilometers (70 mile) or cough up, we coughed up!
We arrived at the garage about mid afternoon on that Monday to be greeted by the gaffer of this rip-off joint Paul, we already knew the problem was with the fuel pump but he just confirmed it and said to us we could be in for a long wait. Still licking our wounds from paying the tow fee we decided a comfy bed would go down well after sleeping in the car for the last 4 weeks so we checked into Bay Lodge in Denham. This hostel was no usual hostel it was more like a block of apartments with clean and bright rooms, a pool right outside our front door with two small and extremely friendly kangaroos doing laps as fast as they can around it! I must also mention the owners John and Kirsty from Perry Barr & Kidderminster respectively who we got on really well with and they also helped us out by letting us do some cleaning around the hostel to pay for the room, Well Gemma did I just happened to sleep in every morning or get up a little later and walk over the road for a coffee on the beach, what a life ay??!!!
Day 112 - Friday morning we had the call to say our car would be ready to hit the road again on Monday so we decided to celebrate with a bottle of Jim Beam and a 24 pack of Pure Blonde. For the week so far in Denham we managed to clock up between us 72 bottles of beer and a litre of whiskey I think this is on the verge of binge drinking but to our credit the Pure Blonde is low carbs!!
Day 114 - Our last day in Denham, Although this place is about as big as charterfields we never got bored and the people we met here have all been really nice. There was Rowan & Kat who had also broke down the same day as us with the same problem and they also happened to have there car in the same garage ironically enough, Helen, Emily, Izzi, Holly, Stevie the Geordie lad and Wez & Wes who took us to the local hot springs for a natural bath on the evening but he was warned to get me back in time for the Premier League final games that night!!
What a season finally and a final farewell to Denham it was with the Blues going down and a big punch up round the pool table, and NO this time I can honestly say the trouble had nothing to do with me but I am being a good citizen and helping the Police with their enquiries!!
Day 115 - After handing over $2500 for mechanical repairs I was glad to get the Jeep back and continue our tour of the West Coast and onto our next destination which would just be a stopover for the night Carnarvon. We found a camp site and started to cook our backpacker noodles on the stove and drink the last two remaining beers we had, In the corner of my eye I could see something approaching us but we we're both unsure of what the hell it was because it was dark. As 'it' got closer it turned out to be Bob the Boozer who had recently lost a leg in an accident but was happy to sit with us and tell us stories about how he's going to poison the water system in Carnarvon because someone shot his dog?? It turned out he needed a hand in getting his trailer from the Police compound and his motor home from a wreckers so being the good citizen I am I towed them both down the road and Bob is living happy ever after in his new home but 50 bucks lighter. Well we have just spent 2500 on repairs!!
As we are now nearly in Queensland will will try and get you up to date as soon as possible
Love Ad & Gem
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