Wellllll, Im actually still in Rome, at a hostel that i decided to stay at last minute. It only cost like 18 euro, so not bad. Well, I leave for Dortmund in the morning, so I just wanted to update my location. I will write more later... but it was cool, I met a girl named Faranak today, she was very nice. She is a 26 year old accountant from Iran, but she was hesitant to tell me at first, so she lied and said Turkey. But, she eventually realized all americans arent hateful b******s. Soooo, I took her sightseeing alllll day. but then my camera died yesterday... and i forgot the charger. anyway, i hope marie will have a camera in germany to take more pictures. but i still have like 300 anyway. amazing trip, once in a lifetime, no holds bar.... peace out
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