We woke up in the morning to find out our guide was no longer coming to the jungle with us and we would have to fend for ourselves. Typically he only offered this information a few minutes before we were due to leave and had told us nothing about whatwould happen when we got to the jungle. So unsure of what was ahead we arrived at the airport at first a little worroed as we could see no one holding up our names. After a few minutes our guide Jony turned up and everything went well from then on.
We started with a very bumpy ride to the river it sort of reminded me of Vietnam with all the motorcycles around again. We got a boat down the river to our lodge which was very finally balanced. Aaron stood up to get a photo and nearly tipped the boat much to the drivers amusement. We saw some turkey vultures on a little island in the river they have a very entertaining mating ritual. The other wildlife we were treated to was a young kid floating on a log in the middle of the river. No one was quite sure what he was up to and he wasn`t going to tell us as he turned his face away as soon as he saw us.
In the evening we headed for a night walk. The first thing we heard was night monkeys they didn`t make much of an appearence but made lots of noise and saw lots of trees and insects like usual nightwalks. After we were treated to our first Peruvian french fusion food which was pretty good. It was a good job I liked garlic because I must have had a whole bulb on mine.
Next morning all wellied up we ventured off into the jungle for our day walk. We soon realized why wellies were necessary. We saw an amazon horn frog which was very strange and then a shy tarantial which our guide liked to poke. Then we got surrounded by wild boar which made even more noise then the monkeys and smelt pretty bad. Wesaw lots of medicinal trees no need for a clinic out here even Viagara is there for your picking. When we got to the lake which was very squared shape we went on a canoe. We saw some more monkeys but not close up. Some of the girls went for a swim but not for too long after they were informed pyhranas lived in it. We all then had lunch and a sleep only to wake up to torrential rain. It didn`t last long and we were soon on our way back. We saw a troop of lion monkeys first which was our highlight they were strange looking things. Then we were literally stopped in our path by a poisonous snake. Nothing fazed Jony though and as soon as we all took our pictures he made a fork and flung it into the jungle.
In the evening we all set out for the river to go caymen hunting. It was pitch black and the boat felt more unsteady than normal. We saw one going into the water then our guide jumped out and grabbed a few babies and brought them onto to the boat. I wasn`t too keen on the prodding and poking they got before they were eventually freed hopefully close to their mum. Another delicious meal lamb soltado Aarons favourite and bed.
In the morning we were woken to chocolate banana pancakes before boarding the boat and plane back to Cusco. Loved the jungle wish we could have had more time.
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