Today was a bit of a maintenance and planning day.
-Bunnings trip to get parts for our leaking water tank
- then took a slight detour on the way back and called in at the old telegraph station. Spent a good hour or so here reading through all the information and history of the place. Information about how the overland telegraph line was built and also learnt a bit about the stolen generation.
Because we spent so long at the telegraph station (because we had to pay to get in so we were going to get our money's worth) this meant we missed the morning coffee catch up with Meg Bruce and Jen.
We then had a quick trip to the Lone dingo camping store to purchase some fly nets and a new drink bottle.
Milly then went to meet Meg at her work and to print off some work from some school kids that she needed to mark (boring stuff)
Whilst Milly was busy I went home and played with the car.
Managed to fix the leak on the water tank and swap a few things around to hopefully work better for us whilst we are out camping.
Also noticed that we had lost a couple of bolts out of our driving lights and they were very loose and facing the ground! Must have rattled loose across all the bumps on the way up! Something we will definitely have to keep an eye on.
Milly then cooked up some dinner for us all and then we watched a doco called the Summit. A story of mountain climbers who climbed K2 in Pakistan. 11 out of 24 people died during the climbing attempt but some did reach the Summit. Statistics say 1 out of every 4 climbers who attempt K2 die trying! Not good odds if you ask me!
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