Hey all, welcome to my new travel blog about my journey to Australia. Im planning to try and keep this up to date as much as possible whilst I'm away.
Il start with a little background. I worked for Off Exploring for 2 years as a developer of the website, and the iPhone app ( In doing so I read countless numbers of blogs from people who were travelling the world and loving every minute, and so I decided I had to get in on the action.
This week I began the process of getting out there! Last weekend I applied for and was granted a 1 year working visa starting in January. I have since purchased my tickets and I should be winging my way over there on the 9th of January.
I still need to sort out travel insurance and a hostel to start at, and Im currently trying to decide between a few places, but any recommendations would be welcome! Also I'll need to start a list of places to visit, people to see and things to do so again any recommendations would be welcome! :)
I have 2 and a half months left working for Off Exploring (who, btw are the best company in the world to work for :D ) before I say my goodbyes and jet off for warmer climates. Any major news I will put on here as I go. Thanks for reading,
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