Canada's World Tour
i have now arrived in Ho Chi Mihn City, capital of Vietnam. First impresions are good, the food is really good, and the people think i am a minor celebrity. they all stare, i find it funny, the children seem in awe of someone who towers over them.
we saw a few last things before we left Phnom Pehn. we saw the obligitory kings palace (not that great), wat phnom (i am getting temple fever), and the museum (that was ok except the guide wouldnt let us look at anything in peace). we also went to S-21 the former high school used as a torture centre by the khmer rouge. that was very sobering, seeing the conditions people were kept in, treated and in every case out of the 16,000 people that were there bar 7, were killed.
after that we took a trip to the killing fields, the mass graves that the bodies of the torture centre victims finally ended up in. the central pagoda full of the skulls of the victims, i couldnt get my head around the size of it. it was so huge, you cant think in numbers that big.
when we had finished there we went to a slightly cheerier place. we went to an orphanage that taught its wards the traditonal khmer dancing. these little kids, some as young as 3, were very impressive. at the end of the demonstration they got us all up on stage and attempted to teach us. i got one of them down pretty well, it was very similar to the quick step.
so i will hopefully find out today whether i have two weeks or four in vietnam. i have to go to the singapore airlines office and see whether i am still on the waiting list or if i have a new flight. if i am still on the list i will have them take me off of it, vietnam tastes too good.
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