So we're fast approaching our 5th month into our year long adventure and figured it was time to give an update on the trip in general.
We thought, what better way to reflect on the places we've been than to give a 'Top 3' rating to various questions? Maybe we've had too much sun, maybe its the free wireless?
Anyways, here are our answers as of June 12...
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What are your Top 3 most memorable moments?
1. Swimming with sea lions in the Galapagos Islands
2. Crossing the Sun Gate overlooking Machu Picchu
3. Scuba diving in Grand Cayman
1. The four day hike on the Inca Trail (and of course arriving at Machu Picchu)
2. Sandboarding and dune-buggy in the Peruvian desert
3. Helicopter landing on the Remarkables mountain range in Queenstown
...and seeing Ranu Raraku on Easter Island (I know that's four but its so hard, there is too many to choose from!)
What are your Top 3 biggest surprises on the trip so far?
1. The cost of travelling in South America. It was surprisingly expensive. I thought it would be more like SE Asian prices.
2. How much English is spoken here in the Philippines (where this blog is currently being written)
3. Airport departure taxes
1. Requiring a tourist visa to enter Australia from New Zealand, as a Canadian! Where's the Commonwealth love?!
2. Airport departure taxes (and the US$132 it cost to enter Chile)
3. How upset my stomach got from eating guinea pig while in Puno, Peru...who knew?!
What were the freakiest/scariest moments you've had so far on the trip?
1. The bus trips in Ecuador and Peru
2. Trip to see the volcano at night in Banos Ecuador. Beat-up Chiva bus with no doors, climbing thousands of feet on a one lane road with sharp hairpin turns. Matt and Emma know what I'm talking about!
3. The eerie landing into Easter Island. No lights anywhere, just darkness and than a hard thud onto the runway.
1. Bus trip from Banos to Quito in Ecuador
2. Walking the streets of Quito, lots of men with guns. Why is that?
3. Flat tire while returning from the Colca Canyon in Peru. At top speed, our bus swirved while coming around a bend. Felt like the driver lost control for a moment. There was a 1000 meter drop only 2 meters away!
What are your biggest regrets or things you wish you could have done but didn't?
1. Visiting the salt flats in Bolivia
2. Poor wine tasting tour in Mendoza, Argentina. Wish we had done it on a 'non-holiday weekend'.
3. Didn't get a chance to go river rafting in NZ
1. Mountain bike down the 'World's Deadliest Road' in Bolivia
2. Same as Brechert, visiting the salt flats in Bolivia - maybe another time!
3. Unable to do the sledging (river surfing) in Queenstown NZ because it was far to cold
What and/or where was the best food you've eaten on the trip so far?
1. Jumbo prawns in Boracay, Philippines
2. Tapas with Richard and Gawain in Sydney
3. Caprese salads in Buenos Aires
1. Breakfast in Auckland - one of the best eggs benedict I've ever had!
2. Nicole's birthday dinner on Easter Island - ceviche followed by filet mignon
3. Steak dinner in Buenos Aires with friends from Got Junk.
What are the Top 3 things you miss most from home?
1. Jesse
2. Our comfy bed
3. Vegetarian friendly restaurants
1. Stanley Cup Playoff run
2. The gym and a good workout
3. Family and friends (politically safe answer, but wouldn't I be shot if I didn't say that?)
What are your top 3 favorite countries visited?
1. Peru
2. Galapagos Islands (Ecuador, but not mainland Ecuador. I actually didn't like Ecuador mainland very much)
3. Philippines
1. Peru
2. New Zealand
3. Easter Island (ya ya, I know it's actually Chile. But having been to both, Easter Island is really a country on its own)
What are you most looking forward to on the remainder of the world tour?
1. Maldive Islands
2. Meeting up with family in Croatia and Greece in the fall
3. Visiting Cameron's family in Germany and seeing the Mosel (and the Reisling of course)
1. Angkor Wat in Cambodia
2. Pyramids in Egypt
3. Petra in Jordan
...and Safari in Tanzania!
There you have it! More to come in the months that follow...
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