Kuata, the first of the 'real' Fiji islands, although South Sea was amazing, Kuata was different and more special. It was a bigger island, which looked like the 'lost' island. Perfect beach with village close to the shore and behind it big green hills. On our trip we had a few pre paid trips. One of which was a snorkelling trip, since being in Thailand and Australia we thought we had enough of snorkelling, but since we had already paid for it we thought we might as well. There was one added bonus about this snorkelling trip, it was with sharks! Reef sharks.
With our guide Bill, and someother guy, off we went into the south Pacific to find a good spot. As soon as we got into the sea, Bill kindly pointed out 2 sharks lying on the sea bed, this was ok as it was very deep and they didnt seem bothered. So off we went snorkelling looking at some more coral reef, which was actually better than the Great Barrier reef, until we got to a bowl like area. This were things became interesting, from out of no where the other guide cam along and handed something to Bill, apparently it was fish and then Bill went to the sea bed and started to bang some coral together. This was code in shark for breakfast. Slowly some sharks came into the bowl and started to circle Bill, lucky him. Then he proceeded to tease the Shearks witht the fish, now these sharks werent Jaws size but they were big enough for me, they couldnt fit in a fish bowl. After he thought that the sharks had been teased enough he then started to feed the sharks by hand with the fish. At this point I wouls hazard a guess that there were around 10-15 sharks in the 'bowl' all circling Bill. The only thing that started to worry me was that sooner or later Bill would run out of fish and the sharks would start to look somewhere else. Unfortunately for the first time on this trip I was right and Bill did run out of fish and the Sharks did start to look somewhere else, mainly all the scared tourists flins, luckily enough when one did come near me and charlotte, Charlotte grabbed me and threw me in front of her, which luckily for both of us that scared the shark away! At this point it was time to get back on the boat and head back to a place were sharks cant swim! Land!
The island Kuata is on has a small peak, so we (had already paid for) decided to take a lovely stroll up the 'hill' maybe for sunset. We heard it was not to strenuous, but best take our hiking shoes with us! So off we went with obviously our guide in bare feet, before we know it we take a sharp right into the trees and head off in pizza oven heat and the humidity of a shower! 20 minutes later I am close to a heart attack and not really any closer to the top, but I struggle on because girls are doing this walk with ease and giving a funny look! Not the good kind!
We reach the top for what should be sunset, but of course we choose the day to climb when there are clouds on the horizon the only day so far! We sit and recover for 20 minutes and look out over the South Pacific and smile, because well, we are looking at the south pacific! Then we head down the hill before it gets dark and to make sure we get dinner!
That night after dinner the locals must have worked out where i was from because they put together a bonfire for the night, there was no drinking from dawn to dawn but it was a nice little bonfire. As we were all staring at the bonfire the locals had slipped off to somewhere to drink some Kava! A few of us walked past and they slurring asked us to join them which we happily did! I believe they have a tradition in Fiji of making the foreign guys drink too much Kava as it will give them something too laugh at, they tried to do this with me but I gave up at 4 high tide bowls and retired to bed as it was past 10pm and the Kava was making me feel very sleepy. Hanging out with the locals was cool as they just sat there played their guitars and sang some songs. None of which we understood, but they had a good tune!
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