Oswyn, llongyfarchiadau ar y joban. Cofia talu tacs gan fod Mark a finnau angen y pres dol pan ddown ni yn ol! Diolch am y neges Dad - fyddai yn Hoi An yn Vietnam (dwi'n meddwl) ar fy mhenblwydd. Dim ond mis i fynd! cx
Gobeithio eich bod chi'n iawn, a wedi cyrraedd Vietnam yn saff. Penblwydd hapus iawn i ti ar y 30ain. Newydd da, Oswyn wedi cael gwaith yn Chwarel Penrhyn, Bethesda. Mae o'n frwdfrydig, diolch byth am hynny!!
Edrych 'mlaen i dy weld - edrych ar ol dy hun.
More photos added today! Tomorrow we leave for Vietnam. Only 5 weeks to go....
Hi Mark and Carys,
Great pictures, the tiger ones are my favourite so far (the live ones not the beer). Weve actually got some decent weather over here at the moment, so add me to your places to visit when you get back perhaps I can tempt you with some Tiger beers by the lake? Enjoy your 6.5 weeks. Cheers JV
Hello all
What a busy time we've had! Tiger Temples, Robomonks, Bridge(s) over the River Kwai, Hellfire Pass, Death Railway, dozens more temples, nights out in Bangkok.
Now we have 6.5 weeks to visit another 3 countries - Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia - and can't wait.
Also, looking forward to some UK cooking and company at the end of July.
Mark & Carys
Sam - of course I remember you! You kept me sane on the second day I'm glad you had a great time during the rest of your trip. I don't need to hear how hard it will be to come home - tell me only positive/happy things about how great office life, council tax and British public transport is please! *** Mary & Matt - I can't believe your trip is almost over. Do you have any advice for us for the rest of the trip as we head north? Have you already started planning the next trip? *** Mrs Beef - has Bez really banned talk of the wedding? What a mean boy. I'm sure he can't stop you at Dodders' wedding! *** Emma-Louise - all offers to come and visit are gratefully accepted! Especially if you throw in a bag of chips. Think of it as a care in the community type thing.... cx
Hi Guys,
Remember me from the Tiger Beer days? I was looking for someone else I met on my travels on this site and stumbled across your page. I saw the "barktwiceifyoureinmilwaukee" on the list of users and remembered you both saying you were anchorman geeks...checked it out and bingo! Good to see youre still enjoying your travels. SE Asia is awesome isnt it? I made it up through Malaysia, Had a month in Thailand...Unfortunately I'm now home which sucks - Make the most of whatever time youve got left! 3 days ago I'm elephant trekking in Chiang Mai, Now I'm back in Bognor regis, Bit of a culture shock!
Nice work on finding the advert too, I'm yet to actually spot myself in it but to be honest I wasnt exactly there to get myself noticed. Those models couldnt look any more stupid if they tried! I bumped into loads of people from the Ad in Thailand, especially at the full moon party on Koh phangan, I'm sure youll see some on your travels too.
Ahhh it was an interesting and I have to say fun few days, Hope the last day wasnt too uncomfortable in that heat and those little prissy boys learnt how to hold a bottle of tiger with the label facing outwards!
I'll keep an eye on the rest of your trip now I know where you are :o)
Happy Travels X
PS - Bet youre glad the mullets gone eh carys? Mark..I'm sorry for your loss, and hope your big foot is better!
Mary And Matt
Hi guys! We've just been checking out your site. Its great! It seems like we've done lots of the same things as you in Malaysia and Thailand. For instance we did our Open Water in the perhentians too. We're really glad you're still having an excellent time. Only two months left hey?(!) Think of us - only 13 days - Arrgh!
Mark (And A Miffed Carys)
For those of you who couldn't spot Carys in the Tiger beer commercial (ie most of you) - she was closer to the front than me! Take a look at the SECOND ROW on the left in the black beanie .... yup, it's her! Guess a note for spy school is that a hat is better than a scarf over the eyes. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, cut and paste this into your browser ...... http://sg.tigerfc.com/promo_big_prize.html
Mrs Beef
Hope all is well. Sounds like you are having a tough time - great weather, scuba diving, exotic places - life must be hard!
News here - doddy is currently studying for exams. the Haigh has just returned following exams and is awaiting results. Rob has banned all wedding talk on set days! Kenny is playing golf in Malaga.
The mighty Wire are flying on the Rugby front and Wigan are favourites to go down - Rob is trying to control himself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tiger beer advert had me laughing - did manage to spot Tommo though - excellent
Puffin, gad i mi wybod amser a rhif ffon ac mi allai ffonio chdi! Fyddan ni yn Bangkok erbyn y penwythnos. Os oes well gen ti allwn ni siarad ar messenger hefyd.
Apologies for being out of touch for a while, and not replying to emails .... we're currently staying on a remote island off the east coast of Malaysia called Pulau Perhentien. The weather is fantastic, our accommodation a beach house costs 6
pounds per night and Carys has now PASSED her PADI scuba diving course .... life is pretty tough but we're coping.
The downside is that internet is via satellite and hence a little expensive. We're going to be here about a week so will email more then.
Hope all is well and look forward to hearing from you soon.