Our last whole day in New York and this big journey comes to an end.
Carro didn't feel too well today either so she rested while Emelie and Krista set forth to Macy's. Emelie got a request from her aunt to buy a t-shirt and we did some shopping on Carros behalf too. We stopped by some other shops too before we took the metro back to see how Carro was doing and ate some food.
Afterwards Emelie and Krista took a walk in the north part of Central Park, today the weather was brilliant so there was lots of people out exercising or just sitting on the benches reading a magazine.
On our way we looked up some nice restaurants where we maybe would eat tonight. We decided to go to a Turkish restaurant, we also tried a cocktail called Manhattan which wasn't very tasty. We spent the rest of the evening packing our bags one last time, tomorrow we're flying home!?
- comments
Mormor Svensk mark under fötterna! Köttbullar och lingonsylt! Välkomna hem, underbara flickor!
Mormor Och här väntar ju räkorna, älggrytan och jag på er och er bildförevisning. Pirrigt! Kram
Mum Time has flown this last month, but not quick enough!! can't wait for you to be back x Lot's of gardening to do!! he he ;)
Georgeo I've found some pictures of you. Moscow, Russia & Baikal lake. you wrote your sign in the memorial book of baikal lake. If you need these pictures please contact me. if not i will delete it from ours pc.